On Thursday evening, January 26, 2017, Kevin Hutchison led the club in the invocation and pledge. Sgt. At Arms, Robbie Selby, then followed with happy bucks, visitor introductions and announcements about our upcoming Social event at Wyndemere in March and the Atlanta trip in June to attend the RI convention. Activities and logistics to the convention are being planned by Robbie and Anne Towers.
A visiting Rotarian form Switzerland, Arthur Bowliger and his business partner Thorp Freemen a former Rotarian from Vermont, summarized Rotary activities at the 100+ member NewGand Club.
President Elect, Jim Juliano, introduced Guest Speaker Aimee Schlehr, CEO /Executive Director of the Naples ART Association, who spoke about her vision to strengthen NAA’s roots in the community: to continue supporting and promoting artists and to inspire new audiences ( particular focus on young children in Naples schools) to discover and create art. She then introduced Amy Kessler ,Volunteer Services Manager at NAA, who described the upcoming sponsored ART exhibits NAA will sponsor in February (Cambier Park) and March (5th Ave). Amy mentioned the need for volunteer help to manage donation collection points, and asked if anyone might be interested.
Mark your calendars, unless otherwise stated, all our meetings are at Hyatt House Naples.
Wed. Morning Feb 1, 7:30 a.m.: Collier County Chief Hearing Examiner Speaker